Course Introduction
- Course Syllabus
- Intro Slide Presentations
- Please enter your contact information
- Sign up for Piazza (Your instructor will provide the class access code)
Java Basics
- Four 4s challenge
- Variables
- Slide Presentation: Basics
Introduction to Processing & GitHub
- Slide Presentation: apjavaProcessing
- Sign up for a free GitHub account.
- Create a design for a virtual pet and display it on the web
- Use the light sensor in an Arduino to interact with your pet
- Use other buttons or sensors in an Arduino as a controller for a Processing program
- Worksheet: while & for loops and solutions
- Worksheet: Nested loops and solutions
- Scales
Fall Semester Programming Projects with Processing & GitHub
- Slide Presentation: Math.random()
- Worksheet: Math.random and solutions
- Lightning
- Slide Presentation: apjavaCodingbat
- Sign up for In Prefs, put your instructor’s email address ( in the Teacher | share to field. In the Memo field enter your block, last name, first name
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! functions1, functions2, functions3
- Slide Presentation: OOP–Classes
- Dice
- Slide Presentation: Arrays
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! arrays1, arrays2, arrays3, arrays4
- Slide Presentation: OOP–ArraysOfObjects
- Worksheet: Arrays of Objects and solutions
- Chemotaxis
- Slide Presentation: OOP–InheritanceAndEncapsulation
- Starfield
- Worksheet: Encapsulation and solutions
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! mixedpractice1, mixedpractice2
- Worksheet: Inheritance and solutions
- Slide Presentation: Asteroids Part 1
- Asteroids Game: Part 1
- Worksheet: SpaceShip Design
- Slide Presentation: ArrayList
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! arraylist1, arraylist2, morearraylist
- Slide Presentation: Asteroids Parts 2 & 3
- Continuing the Asteroids Game: Part 2 Part 3
- Worksheet: Review for fall final and solutions
Spring Semester Programming Projects with Processing & GitHub
- Slide Presentation: APJavaStrings
- CodingBat problem set Don’t forget to log in! googlebillboard
- Google Billboard
- CodingBat problem set Don’t forget to log in! piglatin
- Pig Latin
- Worksheet: Pointers and solutions
- CodingBat problem set Don’t forget to log in! palindrome
- Palindrome Checker
- Slide Presentation: Recursion
- Worksheet: Recursion 1 has solutions on the back
- Sierpinski Triangle
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! recursion1, recursion2 and recursion3
- Create your own Fractal
- Worksheet: Recursion 2 and solutions
- Choose one: Fractal Tree or Tendron
- Slide Presentation: 2D arrays
- CodingBat problem set, Don’t forget to log in! minesweeper
- Choose one: Game of Life or (more challenging) Minesweeper
- Slide Presentation: Searching
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! searching, searching2
- Linear and Binary Searching Functions
- Slide Presentation: Sorting
- Worksheet: Sorting 1 and solutions
- CodingBat problem sets, Don’t forget to log in! sorting
- Slide Presentation: ForEachLoops
- Worksheet: For each loops and solutions
- Worksheet: Sorting 2 and solutions
- Slide Presentation: AP exam
- After the AP exam
Other Slide Presentations
- First Semester: Fall Final Exam Review
- Second Semester: Sorting AP exam Important Changes to 2020 exam
Examples and other resources
- Archived 2021-2022 Course Webpage
- Quick Reference guide for the 2020 exam
- Installing Processing and Sublime on your home Windows or Macintosh computer
- Help! My program runs in Processing but not on GitHub
- How to use an image as the background of your webpage
- How to make the background of an image transparent
- A program that uses boolean variables to see if two keys are pressed simultaneoulsy
- How to put images in your program or webpage
- How to save the users progress using Processing’s loadStrings and saveStrings functions
- How to change the font of your webpage using Google fonts
- Summer Programs in Computer Science and Engineering
- Letters of Recommendation
- Orbituary is a minimalistic orbiting Game created by former Lowell student Gideon Fox with Processing and GitHub
- Free interactive AP Java review site
- Information for high school students who want to enroll at City College